AB Hotel Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") considers it its social responsibility to properly handle and protect personal information necessary for its business, and will promote initiatives based on the following policy (hereinafter referred to as the "Privacy Policy"). We will promote initiatives based on the following policy (hereinafter referred to as the "Privacy Policy").

  • Appropriate acquisition, use and provision of personal information

    The Company shall acquire personal information in an appropriate manner and use it within the scope of the purpose of use clearly specified in advance. We will not provide personal information to any third party without the consent of the individual concerned, or unless it meets the requirements of the law.

  • Safety Management

    We take the utmost care in managing personal information, and take necessary and appropriate measures to prevent unauthorized access, leakage, loss, and falsification. In addition, we will provide appropriate training to our employees to improve their knowledge and awareness, and when we outsource the handling of personal information to a third party, we will screen the outsourcer and provide necessary and appropriate supervision.

  • Disclosure, correction and suspension of use

    We will make every effort to respond appropriately to requests from individuals to disclose, correct, or suspend the use of personal information in our possession. If we decide not to respond to the request in accordance with laws and regulations, we will explain the reason for the decision.

  • Continuous Improvement of Efforts

    We will strive to continuously improve our efforts to protect personal information. Therefore, this protection policy is subject to change without notice.

  • Compliance with Laws, Regulations, and Other Standards

    The Company will comply with Japanese laws and other regulations regarding the protection of personal information in handling personal information.

  • Scope of the Privacy Policy

    Personal information shared with us by our business partners shall also be managed in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

  • Inquiries about personal information

    Please use the inquiry form on our website.

    AB Hotel Co.
    6F, No.2 Tosho Bldg. 1-9-2 Mikawa-Anjo-cho, Anjo City, Aichi Prefecture 446-0056 Japan

    Revision: March 2017